What are some relevant courses available in Audio/ Video production in Australia?

 You can find the relevant course in one of the leading universities in Flinders, RMIT University and University of Melbourne under media and communication studies department  

Which collage/ universities offer Business Economics related courses in Australia?

Business and economics courses are available in almost all the top Australian Universities under Financial Management faculty. For further details please contact our SnB counselor.  

Which universities offer subjects related to computer science engineering?

For computer related subjects you can check our Bath, Belfast, Cardiff, Newcastle, Sheffield, Southampton, Surrey, and York.  


Is there any specific qualification requirement for getting admission in Manchester Metropolitan University?

They require 60% or CGPA of 6.0 in related subject along with 6.5 IELTS scoring with no scores below 5.5.  

Is there any university in Australia that does not require IELTS as pre requisite?

  No, IELTS is must for foreign students.  


Is there any institute that is offering Medicine course in Australia?

Yes, there are many universities that are offering medicine courses but the only difference if the entry test requirements. For more details you can contact SnB counsellors  

Which university is best for aerospace engineering in UK?

Bristol,  Brunel, Hertfordshire, Southampton, Surrey, and Glasgow are the  universities in UK that are offering aerospace engineering.  



  Yes, UK allow post study work.  


Is there any country which is suitable for Indian or Tamilian students?

Most of the Indian students reside in Sydney and Melbourne.  

What are the best possible options for post-study stay in Australia?

There is requirement of min two-year course at bachelor or master’s level for two to four years depending on region.  

Are there any popular programs to study in Australia?

Some  of the most popular programs for international students are Business  Management, Information Technology and Engineering in different  disciplines. 


What is the deadline for UK for September intakes?

Scholarship deadlines always vary from institute to institute; therefore, it is recommended to check their website regularly.  

Does a student need work permit who wanted to work while studying in Australia?

 Yes, in Australia students can normally work on parttime jobs i.e.,40 hours per fortnight during semester and full-time during holidays.  

Is it suitable to study law from UK?

Yes, if you can study Law program from UK university  


How many years of work experience is required if you choose MBA from any famous university?

Normally managerial level work experience of 3 to 4 years is required. 

Please the top ten universities for doing Bachelor in psychology?

You might like to check out Bath, Bristol, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Exeter, Lancaster, Newcastle, and York.  

What is IELTS score is required for study in Australia?

Minimum 6.5 overall score is required with no band less than 6.  


Is it necessary to have health insurance for students?

Yes, it is must for foreign students to have student health cover for the entire duration of your program in Australia.  

Are there any better options available for MBBS student?

 An  MBBS student can apply for Masters of Global Public Health, Health  Administration management, Health Services, Health care management etc.  

What are the accommodation options in Australia?

 Some  of the universities in Australia offer the facility of on-campus  accommodation options but you can also share an apartment with some of  your friends. 


Can I stay in Australia after graduation?

Yes, on a Post Study Work Visa you can have insofar as long haul for critical metropolitan networks and 3-4 years for commonplace areas.

What are my most ideal decisions for focusing on PG sports and exercise the board?

Top schools that offer a Master in Sports Management or Sports and Exercise Science consolidate Deakin, La trobe, Bond, Griffith and UWA.


What is the best subjects to study in Canada?

Popular subjects for study in Australia are Business, IT and Engineering.

What is the expansion for race vehicle ideal plan/smoothed out highlights?

You could land into the position of Aerodynamicist or CDF engineer.


Is there a help charge for IDP on the off chance that I get a deal?

No, at IDP we don’t charge for our administrations.

What are some top colleges for development the executives?

Top choices incorporate University of Adelaide, Deakin University, Swinburne University and the University of Melbourne.


Can I do a Masters of Pharmacy in the UK?

Yes, kindly look at Belfast, Cardiff, Greenwich, Hertfordshire, Huddersfield, Lincoln, Liverpool John Moores and Portsmouth.

What are the top schools for postgraduate design?

Top decisions are University of Arts, Kingston University, Birmingham City University and Nottingham Trent University.


Is an experts in information examination accessible in Australia?

Yes it is accessible. We suggest reaching out to IDP for college choices.

How numerous long periods of involvement is needed for a MBA at Go8 Universities?

3 to 4 years of administrative work experience is required.


Is IELTS is enough or one must have to do GRE as well?

 Majority of the universities wants IELTS.  

If a person has few years gap in studies after their MPhil, are they still be eligible to peruse a PhD in the UK?

Yes if you have good research skills along with relevant experience then you should be able to pursue a PhD in the UK.  

Does any university off courses related to construction management?

University of Adelaide, Deakin University, Swinburne University and the University of Melbourne offers courses related to construction management  


Is IELTS is enough or one must have to do GRE as well?

 Majority of the universities wants IELTS.  

What are the major requirements to study PG social work in Australia?

 For  entry requirements you will need a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline  along with relevant work experience, an IELTS with 6.5 and a strong  Statement of Purpose.  

Are there any popular programs to study in Australia?

Some  of the most popular programs for international students are Business  Management, Information Technology and Engineering in different  disciplines. 


What are the leading institutes that are offering Masters in Data Science?

  Some  of the leading universities are Monash, RMIT, Swinburne, University of  Adelaide, University of Sydney and University of Western Australia  

Does ANU offer PhD?

 To fulfill the eligibility criteria, you need to provide a research proposal along with details of publications on your area f interest.  

what is the procedure to check the status of my university application?

  Our SnB counselors will let you know about the status or you can directly email the university.


What is the criteria to study abroad?

The  scholarly prerequisites (counting proof of English language abilities)  you need to apply will change contingent upon the degree of instruction  you need to examine. For instance, a few courses will expect you to have  done an establishment course prior to applying for a degree. All  colleges and schools can have diverse section necessities, so read the  course data on their sites cautiously. Our advisors are here to help you with direction on the courses and areas that best meet your inclinations. 

How much I need to pay for my studies abroad?

The  expenses related with learning at college or school abroad shift  enormously. It relies upon the idea of the program, the length of your  visit, the distance you travel and the sort of way of life you need when  you arrive. 

Know  that some understudy visas expect you to have a specific measure of  assets accessible in your ledger when you show up in your picked  country. It is ideal to survey the movement sites for the country you  wish to concentrate in or address one of our advisors. 

Numerous  understudies decide to do some low maintenance work close by their  investigations, to help their living or mingling costs. Be that as it  may, there are limitations on the hours you are permitted to attempt to  guarantee you center around your investigations. 

What should I chose my course of interest and the institute?
 When choosing what and where to contemplate, start by pondering your scholarly advantages and your profession objectives.  

  • Take some an ideal opportunity to explore explicit courses, subjects and choices for temporary jobs or work situations.  
  • Look  at the grounds area, rankings, the measure of time you might want to  spend away from home and the complete expense of examining and living  abroad.  
  • Think concerning what sort of way of life you like – would you like to be in a cosmopolitan city, or a peaceful nation town?  
  • Would  you like to pick a city where there are different understudies from  your ethnicity? Would you like to be near the sea shore, the backwoods  or the desert? Would you like to live nearby? If you would like to  explore the option of staying in the country to work after your studies  you will need to find out about the migration policies and visa  conditions and also be aware that these government policies can change  during the course of your study.  
What are the chances that I will get a good job after studying abroad?

Your  profession possibilities will benefit enormously from your experience  of considering, living and mingling abroad. It’s your chance to foster  an abundance of new abilities, points of view and more grounded English  language abilities and look for work insight from the kind of businesses  you’d prefer to work for. 

A  new report directed with in excess of 4,500 ex-worldwide understudies  investigated the specific abilities managers in the US esteem with  regards to selecting individuals that have concentrated abroad. 

If I have studied abroad, will my degree be accepted in my home country?

The  abilities and capabilities businesses and expert enlistment bodies  require will change from one country to another. On the off chance that,  for instance, you are running after a vocation with severe section  prerequisites like medication, designing, book keeping or instructing,  do some examination with the significant enrollment bodies in your  nation of origin for guidance.  

A  new report directed with in excess of 4,500 ex-worldwide understudies  investigated the specific abilities managers in the US esteem with  regards to selecting individuals that have concentrated abroad. 

What are the option I have if I couldn’t afford studying abroad?

There  are a predetermined number of grants and bursaries accessible for  global understudies. The sum shifts by level of study and by  establishment. Grants are cutthroat and you need to show extraordinary  scholastic accomplishments. Governments and different associations  likewise give grants and grants to help worldwide understudies  concentrate abroad. Your SnB advisor will have subtleties of different grants.  

A  new report directed with in excess of 4,500 ex-worldwide understudies  investigated the specific abilities managers in the US esteem with  regards to selecting individuals that have concentrated abroad. 

Am I allowed to work while studying?

Working  while you study can supplement your investigation and living  experience. In the event that you seek after a course at degree level or  above you might be allowed to work while on a global understudy visa.  Before you attempt any paid work, you need to ensure that your visa  permits it. The chance for understudies to work low maintenance during  their examinations differs from one country to another. 

Numerous  colleges have a devoted occupation place nearby for understudies that  promote open positions to assist understudies with creating abilities.  College professions administrations can likewise be a helpful wellspring  of data. 

How long does it take to process the application?

We  suggest you start your application cycle no less than a year ahead of  time to give sufficient time for your applications to be handled and to  get ready for your time abroad.   

Do I need career counsellor as well?

While  you can apply to concentrate straightforwardly to an establishment, you  might decide to utilize the aptitude of a specialist to direct you  through the most common way of picking a college or school and  selecting. Utilizing a licensed and confided in specialist, as SNB, can  assist with diminishing the pressure of picking a school in another  nation, applying and planning to leave. 

Our  understudy guides (we call these understudy instructors) are educated  and forward-thinking on educational program changes and have your  wellbeing on a fundamental level. Most of them have concentrated abroad  themselves so they have been from your point of view and can always  offer direct counsel. 

What if my family doesn’t allow me to go abroad?

It’s  normal for your family to be anxious with regards to allowing their  most valuable friends and family to head out alone to another country.  Many understudies have done as such and flourished, however this doesn’t  make it less hard for guardians to acknowledge. 

We  urge you to include your folks in any conversations or arrangements you  have with SNB. With the consolation of schooling specialist like SNB,  your folks might feel surer that there is an expert and capable  association helping you in your applications and arrangements. 

Why chose SnB?

SnB is a worldwide forerunner in global training. We assist understudies  with concentrating abroad in English talking nations. We’ve been doing  it for a very long time, making an enormous organization of chance  across 32 nations. Our accomplished training guides work with you to  transform your investigation plan into a platform for proficient  achievement and self-improvement.  

Till when I can reply on SnB services?

Our  administration reaches out past examination exhortation and  applications. We can assist you with getting every one of the  fundamental administrations you’ll require while living abroad — health  care coverage, unfamiliar trade, convenience, setting up a ledger and  acquiring a SIM card. 

We  coordinate pre-takeoff directions that cover themes, for example,  understudy life in your new country, guidance on adjusting to the way of  life and how to manage achiness to visit the family. 

What are the charges for SnB services?

Our  administrations are free for understudies. There is no expense for  understudies to book a meeting with SNB. There might be some little  expenses, for example, dispatch expenses or record check charges. For  more data, telephone or address your closest SNB office or complete our  enquiry structure.

Am I ready to Apply

We  get it – concentrating abroad is a significant choice. It’s only one  out of every odd day you fly across the world to meander the consecrated  corridors of a Russell Group college or join an examination visit to  the Great Barrier Reef. Be that as it may, as far as we might be  concerned, it’s our ordinary. We should simply say we know what global  understudies truly need: an equilibrium of quality schooling and  stunning educational encounters. 

Am I fully ready to travel abroad for my studies?

Concentrating  abroad is a major advance to take. All understudies get anxious with  regards to beginning another course however for global understudies you  will become accustomed to another country, new city and conceivably  another dialect as well as highlight. 
These things amount to an unbelievable experience! 
In  any case, it’s a good thought to speak straightforwardly about any  worries you have prior to applying with your family just as one of our  advocates so you are certain and prepared to make the following stride.  Talking to different companions or instructors who have additionally  concentrated abroad will likewise offer you some significant hints and  genuine guidance to consider. 

Which kind of services are provided by SnB?

Learner like you come to us for guidance and help on everything from picking an  investigation nation, college or course just as course application  help. We likewise give counsel on convenience choices, visa applications  and even connection you up with other help accomplices, for example,  schooling advance suppliers, property rental specialists and  understudy/graduated class affiliations.  

SnB provides services for which countries?

 Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.   

Is there any specific way to apply?

Our  accomplished SNB instructors will assist you with assembling your  application and confirm the supporting archives. Your instructor will  then, at that point present your application for your benefit to your  college or foundation of decision. 

How can I set an appointment with SnB counsellors?

By completing an enquiry form given in contact section of this website.  

Which documents are required at the time of appointment?

You will need to bring your identity card, your passport, your certificates including original transcripts, result card etc This will help in better aligning your application status.