Humanities, Social Science and Education


The Humanities, Social Science and Education disciplines cover a range of specialisations involving the study of people, cultures and institutions. Specialisations include:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Studies; Aged Care;
Alcohol and other Drugs Work;
Asian Studies;

Children’s Services; Community Services; Counselling; Disability Services; Fitness;

Interpreting; Language;
Leisure and Health; Mental Health;
Social Science;
Sport and Recreation; Welfare Services; Youth Work;

American Studies; International Relations; Politics;
Anthropology; Archaeology;
Behavioural Management; Cognitive Science; Psychology;
Curatorial Services; Education;
Early Learning; Geography;
History; and
International Relations.


Humanities, Social Science and Education programs are offered at the following qualification levels:

  • Certificate
  • Diploma
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Masters by research/coursework
  • PhD

TAFE and private colleges typically offer vocational programs through Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas. These allow students to gain practical job skills, typically in Community Services and General Studies. Universities offer more specialised Bachelor Degrees, Graduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, Professional Doctorates and PhDs.

Many of these programs allow graduates to work as accredited professionals. There are, however, some exceptions. Some TAFEs and Colleges might offer Bachelor programs and universities, Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs. Pathways are available for students wishing to link their programs and reduce the amount of time of their total study.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Programs

Vocational education programs in the Humanities, Social Science and Education discipline are offered either directly through TAFEs and private colleges or through traineeships and internships. Examples of courses include:




Certificate III in Community Services (Aged Care).


Diploma of Language;
Diploma of Outdoor Recreation; Diploma of Theology.

Advanced Diploma

Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.

Entry requirements vary but typically admission into Community Welfare and Counselling programs are higher than the General Education programs, where audition or portfolios are sometime required for admission. For example:

  • Certificate III in Library/Information Services – typically this course is suitable for any person wanting to work in libraries and information services.
  • Diploma of Children’s Services – students generally must articulate from the Certificate IV course into this program. Applicants generally must attain Government certification for working with children.
  • Advanced Diploma of Interpreting (Professional) – admission to this course is typically through articulation from the relevant Diploma. Other institutions require applicants to be accredited as a paraprofessional interpreter by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI), have practical interpreting work experience, and complete prerequisite subjects for entry.


University Programs

Universities usually offer a wide range of specialist and general programs within the Humanities, Social Science and Education disciplines. A number of these programs lead to accreditation as professionals. Examples of degrees include:




Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Psychology; Bachelor of Social Work; Bachelor of Education; Bachelor of TESOL;


Graduate Certificate of Sociology;
Postgraduate Diploma of Theology;
Masters of Professional Ethics and Governance; PhD.


Admission into the Humanities, Social Science and Education programs varies. Typically, general education programs offered as a major through Bachelor of Arts have lower entry requirements then the more specialised programs such as Psychology, Education and Social Work. Some programs do require students to have completed prerequisite subjects for admissions.

Examples of admission levels include:

  • Bachelor of Arts – 5 points at A Level in a minimum of two subjects to 8 points at A Levels. Some institutions require prerequisite courses for admission depending on the chosen specialisation.
  • Bachelor of Social Work – 5 points at A Level in a minimum of two subjects to 9 points at A Levels. Some universities only offer graduate entry programs. Students are required to have completed an Australian Bachelor Degree or equivalent for admission.
  • Bachelor of Psychology – 5 points at A Level in a minimum of two subjects to 12 points at A Levels.

    The majority of specialised programs offered through universities involve a practical component. An example of this is teacher training for Bachelor of Education and placements for Bachelor of Psychology and Social Work.

    Students enrolling in a Bachelor of Education are usually required to enrol in a dual degree in their preferred teaching area. For example, a student wanting to teach mathematics might enrol in Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science (Mathematics).


Alternatively, some institutions offer graduate entry Bachelor of Education courses. These are designed for students who have completed a general Bachelor Degree and would like to earn the qualifications to allow them to teach in that area.


At a postgraduate level a number of institutions offer conversion programs for students who have completed a non-related undergraduate program and wish to change careers.

Advanced postgraduate coursework and research programs are also offered. Postgraduate research programs usually require students to have completed a Bachelor Degree with Honours I or II. Select universities do have pathways available to students wishing to complete a research degree without Honours.


A number of pathways link VET with university studies in the Humanities, Social Science and Education disciplines.

Professional Associations

Graduated students may be eligible for membership in the following Australian professional bodies:

Language and Literature

  • Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL)
  • Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture,

    Australia and New Zealand (ASLE-ANZ)

  • Alliance of Literary Societies (ALS) – UK
  • American Literature Association (ALA)
  • National Book Development Council of Singapore (NBDCS)
  • New Zealand Book Council
  • International Federation of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV)


  • Australian Political Studies Association
  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA)
  • European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
  • International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA)
  • Political Studies Association (PSA) UK


Australian Psychological Society (APS)

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA)
  • International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
  • International Psychology Students Organisation (IPSO)


  • The Australian Sociological Association (TASA)
  • American Sociological Association (ASA)
  • European Sociological Association (ESA)
  • International Sociological Association (ISA)

Welfare Services

  • Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)
  • Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
  • HandsNet – US
  • International Council of Social Welfare (ICSW)
  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)


  • European Educational Research Association (EERA)
  • Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA)
  • Association for Tertiary Education Managers (ATEM)
  • National Education Association (NEA) – US
  • Singapore Teachers Union (STU)

Career Opportunities

School Faculty Head;
Special Education Teacher;
Teachers Aide;
Childcare Coordinator/Worker; English as a Second Language Teacher; Archivist;
Hostel and Refuge Worker;
Social Worker;

Aged and Disability Carer; Community Welfare Officer; Psychologist;
Youth and Disability Worker; Anthropologist; Archaeologist;

Social Scientist; Academic/Researcher; Curator;
Linguist; and Interpreter.


Useful Information

Government sites

  • Australia Country Information (DFAT)
  • Australian Demographic Statistics, March 2011 (ABS)
  • Public Holidays

    Tourism sites

  • Australian Capital Tourism Corporation
  • Tourism New South Wales
  • Northern Territory Tourism Commission
  • Tourism Queensland
  • South Australian Tourism Commission
  • Tourism Tasmania
  • Tourism Victoria
  • Western Australian Tourism Commission

    Weather Information

  • Rainfall and Temperature graphs (BOM)
  • you also can find weather information about cities around the world from World Climate.

    Standard Times

    Australia has both Standard Times and Daylight Saving Times (note that GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time).





Eastern Standard Time (EST)

New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria

+ 10


Central Standard Time (CST)

South Australia Northern Territory

+ 9.5


Western Standard Time (WST)

Western Australia




Daylight Saving Times





Eastern Daylight/Summer Time (EDT)

New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria

+ 11


Central Daylight/Summer Time (CDT)

South Australia

+ 10.5


Western Daylight/Summer Time (WDT)

Western Australia

+ 9.0


No Daylight Saving Times – use Standard Times

Queensland Northern Territory

+ 10 + 9.5

7:00pm 6:30pm

Refer to the Bureau of Meteorology for the start and finish dates of daylight saving times.